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research topics: Shape recovery

3D Mesh Creation using 2D Delaunay Triangulation

We developed a fast triangulation method to create a surface mesh from a 3D point cloud. We divide a set of object points into multiple subsets and apply the 2D Delaunay triangulation to each subset. A given 3D point cloud is cut into slices with respect to the OBB of the point set. The 2D Delaunay triangulation is applied to each subset producing a partial triangulation. The sum of the partial triangulations constitutes the global mesh.

Incremental Shape Recovery and Registration

While a camera is moving freely in unknown environments, point features are automatically extracted and tracked. The 3D position of scene points is then estimated using the tracked features from four consecutive frames and the point set is immediately registered to the global point cloud. An application can utilize intermediate results that is incrementally computed from past frames and thus the procedure is applicable to on-line interactive vision sys- tems such as augmented reality applications.

3D modeling of real objects

• Modeling experiment: a Korean pear
(Number of vertices : 4165, Number of faces : 8297)

• Modeling experiment: the face of one of our research members
(Number of vertices : 4975, Number of faces : 9819)

Entertainment Computing Laboratory