Entertainment Computing Laboratory

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New Graduate studentships available

The newly established Entertainment Computing Lab of University of Incheon is actively recruiting and seeking to support talented and motivated students wishing to undertake graduate studies leading to an M.S. or Ph.D. in entertainment computing and/or other related research fields.

Potential areas of graduate research include, but not limited to, the following areas: Computer game, Augmented reality, Visual information processing, Image-based modeling, Image-based rendering, 3D vision, Active vision, Real-world scene perception, Human computer interaction, Human computer interfaces in virtual reality, Augmented reality, Mobile computing, Computer vision, Object tracking, Multiple view geometry, multi-camera vision

Applicants must hold a bachelors degree in a field such as Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Mathematics or a closely related field. The successful candidate will be a highly motivated individual with a keen interest in addressing either basic or applied research issues related to our research interests. The successful candidate should possess strong computer skills including the ability to program in C/C++ or a similar language as well as a background in mathematics.

All full-time students are eligible for competitive financial support that fully covers tuition, stipends, and travel to research conferences.

For more details about Entertainment Computing Laboratory (ECL) see: https://eclinu.github.io

Students interested in joining the ECL should submit a resume to Prof. Jong-Seung Park by E-mail. While pre-applications will be continually reviewed, pre-applications should be submitted as soon as possible to qualify for admission in the 2006-2007 academic year.

Entertainment Computing Laboratory